viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013


Mobile Programming. XAMARIN

It is well known the story of the decline of Flash: how Steve Jobs gave a terrible blow and how Adobe and HTML5 did the rest, leaving orphan to one of the most active and creative Internet has had. After Adobe communicate its plans with respect to the platform Flash programmers have finished redirecting his career into other courses.
Much has been and continues to HTML5 websites but not enjoy both of language. Others have tried to continue using Actionscript and Flash Builder but based on Stage3D, starling, Feathers UI to break into the world of apps and games. In my case, I have a bigger jump and although I remain a developer platform, I changed my language to C # and I started to program using Xamarin, a development environment for mobile applications.

Why Xamarin ?

These are my reasons for choosing Xamarin:
It is cross platform but with a different philosophy from what we've seen before: Xamarin try to share the application logic across all platforms using the same language C #, but the implementation of the user interface is done with native APIs specific to each platform. This means that only 60-70 % of the code is shared (making a good design ) between each version, but on the other hand, the implementation ends up being much more robust and native performance.
Xamarin layers
Clearly I have not program in Javascript. I like high-level languages ​​and Xamarin uses C # 5.0 , as well as most of. Net Framework 4.5, with all that that means: codes, examples, libraries.

You can quite easily reuse code written in the native language of each platform.
The Xamarin Studio is an IDE based on Monodevelop that goes beyond the basic requirements: code completion, version system, native simulators, storyboards and other facilities. It is not yet fully mature but has a good future.
Xamarin is a start- up led by Miguel de Icaza , creator and promoter and Mono platform for Linux Gnome environment. Personally, I think a person with great vision and brilliant programmer.


Not everything is rosy with Xamarin, its price is quite high in comparison with other alternatives, but for a indie developer, in my opinion, not so much. Moreover, the way the platform is focused forces develop applications similar to a native programmer. This results in there to know how it works or how to interact with XCode an Activity in Android, and know something of Objective C and Java to read and use examples.


Ditulis Oleh : Mandrake as Angelo Hari: 5:59 Kategori:

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